
30 April 2020

We’re still here!


After opening the office on Wednesday morning for a short while and being inundated with phone calls and requests to make card payments, we thought it was worth our while updating you all to say….. we are still offering a normal service throughout, just in a different way.

We can;

  • Still take phone calls and deal with your queries just as effectively and efficiently thanks to our remote working.
  • Continue to undertake meetings with you if you so wish….. this is done virtually through Microsoft Teams though.
  • Take card payments as normal. We have always taken these via our electronic system and so never actually needed a card machine anyway!
  • Continue to work hard completing your accounts, tax returns and conclude other complex business and personal matters. We link into our office PC’s from home so still have full access!
  • Ensure all your filing deadlines are met.
  • Take your books and records from you to work on. We can take delivery via WeTransfer or e-mail, you can drop off at the office at the designated opening times (sorry we can’t greet you in person but follow our simple instructions, stay safe and we will collect from reception when you leave) or, if for any reason you prefer, we can collect from you whilst observing social distancing. Just call or e-mail and request that we collect. We are more than happy to help.
  • We can also still assist those in need, self-isolating, vulnerable or key workers who are struggling to find time. We can collect shopping and bring essentials. Just doing our bit to help ?.

We can’t (unfortunately);

  • Sit and chat over a cuppa and a biscuit.
  • Take long duration, incoming phone calls as it can stop others getting through.
  • Greet you with our normal friendly smiles!

We can, however, share with you our lovely pictures of us continuing to work from home.

Take care, stay safe and continue to contact us as normal, in line with the above.

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